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Learning for Support Staff

CALL has assembled this list of Associate Degree and Certificate Programs that may be of interest to you. These programs are a great way to get the education you need to get the job you want next.


From the Idaho Commission for Libraries, these are free self-paced modules introducing basic Library concepts. A number of these are located in CALL Academy.

To apply :: Register for a free account with CALL Academy (you must be a public library staff in California) and the modules are available 24/7.

Associate Degree/Certificate Programs in California

The American Library Association (ALA) maintains a comprehensive list of  Associate Degree and Library Certification programs available in California. 

CALL Academy Content

We have created a curriculum of materials for support staff available in the CALL Academy. There are three curriculum paths – foundational information, tech skills, customer service, and research essentials.

To apply :: To view content you will need to register for a free account. Modules are available 24/7.

Library Juice Academy Certificates

Library Juice Academy is an official CALL training partner. They offer certificates in a variety of library-related topics, including early childhood literacy library instruction, diversity and inclusion and cataloging and technical services.

To apply :: Check the CALL Calendar and newsletter for course offerings and application instruction. If you do not see the course you are interested in, email

Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC)

LSSC is designed to recognize the value and accomplishments of Library Support Staff. The LSSC Program is managed by the American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA) and is directed towards those who work in positions in libraries that do not require a graduate degree in Library Science.

To apply :: You can take LSSC courses through two of CALL training partners – Infopeople and Library Juice Academy. Look for announcements in the CALL Newsletter for application information and check the LSSC approved Course Providers for more information. If you have a course in mind but don’t see it promoted, email

Library Technology Certificate

A number of colleges in California provide this certificate. The ALA Library Certificate and Degree Programs list them all with their accompanying degree and certificate programs.

To apply :: email for additional information.

MeL Maven Badge

From the Michigan Library, this 3-part Information Literacy Badge provides front line staff with training on eResource reference and customer service.

To apply :: Register for a free account with CALL Academy (you must be a public library staff in California) and the modules are available 24/7.

MHFA (Mental Health First Aid)

This training is a skills-based training course that teaches participants about mental health and substance-use issues. When you complete the training you receive a certificate.

To apply :: email for available dates or search the Eventbrite calendar for the free MHFA trainings available.

WebJunction Catalog of Courses

WebJunction is a library community that provides a Course Catalog that is free to library staff everywhere. They offer library-specific self-paced courses, webinar recordings and other learning materials. Certificates of Completion are available to help library staff meet CE and LEU credit requirements. Create your free account and start learning today.

Application: No application needed. All courses are free.

Accordion in HTML5
How is CALL different from PLSEP? Public Library Support Staff Education Program (PLSEP) is a tuition reimbursement program developed by the California State Library. The goal of this program is to support the development of professional librarians by providing current library staff with tuition reimbursement for courses required for an MLIS degree. The CALL support is for those who may not be pursuing an MLIS but would like to further their library skills and knowledge and includes courses and learning that are more informal.
Do I need to do this to use CALL? You do not need to be working toward a certificate to apply for a learning opportunity. As long as you commit to participate fully you are eligible to apply and receive a no-cost registration. We do ask that you consider sharing what you have learned with your Library Director and colleagues.
How many courses can I take for the LSSC program within a year? If you are taking LSSC courses through Library Juice Academy you are limited to 2 courses within a fiscal year. Please email if you are interested in applying for more than two courses.